How to Select Multiple Files on Mac [2023 Complete Guide]

Do you need to select multiple files on Mac, to make it easier to select files, when we wrote the application, we created a handy tool that everyone can use for a full range of Mac problem fixes.

Reading this article, we can quickly select multiple files on Mac. There are a lot of files on your Mac, and sometimes you don’t know which folder the file is hidden in. In order to solve this problem quickly, we have collected a lot of effective solutions to help you quickly find the file you want. This article describes how to use Mac Cleaner selects multiple files on Mac.

Mac has a function that distinguishes it from PC. Even in the early days of Windows, when using Mac, we only need to drag these files to the appropriate place with the mouse when selecting files. There are many ways to select multiple files, but not every method is easy to operate. It is worth mentioning that in this article we will learn how to quickly select multiple files on Mac.

When you select files in the Finder, do you just hover the mouse pointer over the file you want to select and click the mouse? This seems simple enough, but what if you need to select multiple files? Sometimes the files are not contiguous, they don’t appear next to each other in the Finder, is there a quick way to select multiple files? Follow along with us.

How to Select Multiple Consecutive Files?

Hold Shift and Click

To open the view list, if the files you want to select are adjacent, select the first file, then hold down the Shift key while selecting the last file. This way all files from the first to the last are selected. If there are individual files you don’t want, you can Command-click each file you don’t want.

Select Multiple Consecutive Files

Old and Drag

Click on the file name, both left and right. Press and hold the touchpad, move the mouse to the file you want to select, be careful not to click the file name or icon during operation, this will drag the file. This is an easy method to use.


If you want to select a large number of files and delete them, the above operation may take a lot of time. Therefore, we provide an easier editing method to delete these files. Mac Cleaner has several powerful features to achieve the above requirements, whether it is large files or files from a long time ago. This software can identify the space occupied by files.

  1. Download Mac Cleaner
  2. Start Mac Cleaner, select large files
  3. scanning
  4. Rotate the files you want to delete and click Delete All.

By using Mac Cleaner, we can identify and delete many kinds of files, which is much more convenient than manual. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time deleting files, then this is definitely a quick way.

Delete Files on Mac

How to Select Multiple Non-consecutive Files

The files are contiguous and easier to manipulate. But what if the files are not contiguous? It’s not difficult. Click on the first file, hold down the Command key, select and drag noncontiguous files, and release the mouse. If you still select more files, continue to drag the mouse to select non-consecutive files.

What if I accidentally select the wrong file? Please hold down the Command key and click this file. Most of the time, selecting all files and then holding down the Command key to unneeded files may be faster and easier.

How to Select All Files on Mac?

In a folder, if you want to select all the files in it, you can click one of the files, then press Command-A. This way you will find that you have selected all the files on your Mac.

Subsequent Actions for Selecting Multiple Files

  • 1 You can drag them to the position you want.
  • If you don’t want to move the files to a new location, hold down the Option key while dragging the files, which will copy the files without changing their original location.
  • 3. If you want to quickly view the file, you can press the space bar and use the arrow keys to preview the file.
  • 4. Right-click or Control-click on the file to make multiple selections such as rename, move to trash, open, and more.
Select Multiple Non-consecutive Files

How to Select Multiple Files Outside of Finder

Several methods mentioned in the article are used in MacOS. As long as it is an application using MacOS , we can use Shift to select multiple consecutive files, and Command to select non-consecutive files. These methods of selecting files on a Mac are fast, when taking a lot of photos, clicking and dragging to the photos allows us to select the files we want, whether continuous or discontinuous photos

In the Finder applications, there are many different ways to select multiple files. With the file selected, Control-click on the file, which brings up a menu with a list of options for us to find the file. There is a quick view that can be pressed or by pressing the space bar, which allows you to select files on your Mac.


If you want to delete a large number of files, using Mac Cleaner is the easiest way, it can help us delete these files quickly.